Thursday, October 31, 2019

Trend article analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Trend article analysis - Essay Example was used because of the advantage of being able to control other variables in the environment in order to get accurate analyses and the fact that research is conducted by experts with adequate number of subjects while controlling competing factors. The methodology addresses two important issues. The first being the manner in which the stressful events could be introduced to children in ways that were salient and personally involving and the second, was the manner in which the features could be conceptualized to make them stressful . Although there have been drawbacks in the traditional methodology of analogue research, improvisations were made in the procedure that made the observations and analyses more accurate for further empirical and statistical deductions in psychology research. A child has to put up with a number of stressful situations, whether at school from peers or at home where he has to contend with intra-parental conflicts or economical challenges. These have led to changes in the way research studies are now conducted in child psychology. According to Daniel Lees in, â€Å"An Empirical investigation of the motivational theory of coping in middle to late childhood.† dealing with problems and annoyances can potentially facilitate development; they present children and youth with opportunities to develop coping skills and strategies, strengthening their resources and confidence for dealing with future events (Losoya et al. 1998;Skinner and Zimmer-Gembeck 2007). According to Cummings 1995, various dimensions of an event can be precisely specified and presented in the same way across all participants and explicit recordings of responses on multiple dimensions (e.g. Cognitive, verbal, emotional and physiological) is possible, in fact simulations or other constructed representations of actual events; live or recorded on videotape or audio tape are presented to members to obtain their reactions, as one form of laboratory method that can assess

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Best Buy Case Study Write Up Essay Example for Free

Best Buy Case Study Write Up Essay 1. How does Best Buy define customer centricity? The idea behind customer centricity was to be the customer’s smart friend and give a full solution. The sales people stand by the customers and try to find what they really need and what they want. The opposite of this would be product centricity. At this time the electronics were getting easier to use, their interaction required specific knowledge that only a fraction of the client base possessed. In this situation, the used to be advantage of best buy disappeared, and the company tested the first version of customer-centricity by setting up 12 laboratory stores and then rolling out tested concepts in 32 pilot stores. The test were successful very successful. Best buy changed its segments from products such as MP3, TV, or PC to customers like Barry. All these make customers more convenient to shop in the store. Compared to the other stores, Best Buy did not focus on brands but usage. The sales person never asked what do you want to buy, but rather ask what you want to do. In launching customer centricity, Anderson used an autocratic set of power tools and expected swift support from his top team to execute his vision. 2. Is Customer-Centricity the same as customer services? No, the customer-Centricity is not the same as customer service. The difference is that they can contour their sales and service pitch to each individual after they know which category that they fall into. They know from past company stastistics and knowledge about the different types and what their shopping style is like. Customer service is about trying to sell your existing products. The case states also that customer service may be in response to its competitors, and not its customers. Customer centricity mainly focuses on research of customers buying power, purchase preference and customer behavior. It is based on the research that Best Buy has gathered over time. From here, the company can redesign its products, and develop a new marketing strategy and give more suitable service. 3. How does it relate to Consumer behavior? Chapter 10 touches upon things that could be related to consumer behavior. In store decision making talks about spontaneous shopping which is unplanned buying and impulse buying. Point of purchase stimuli is product display or demonstration that draws attention. The salesperson also can create exchange process. This involves commercial friendships. This is basically what customer centricity is about, forming commercial friendships. Chapter 10 also talks post purchase satisfaction which is the overall feeling about a product after someone has purchased it. Chapter 13 discusses income and social class and this is directly correlated to the customer centricity model. The model puts people in different classes. They were Jill, Barry, angles and devils. Chapter 13 goes into detail and talks about how people can be put in classes based on income, education, age, religion, gender, just like Best Buy put these four people into classes to segment them. Best Buy, in essence, used consumer behavior to classify these people. 4. Finally, do you agree with this new strategy for Best Buy? What is its impact on the financial performance? We think that it was a good idea for Best Buy to implement this. It has worked financially and it seemed to have made the company more profitable. From looking at the financials from 2002 to 2004, it appears as though the strategy seems to be working. Best Buy remains at the top of the list for Consumer electronics companies in the United States. Its revenue was 49.7 billion dollars in 2010, which is 18% of North American market share. In the last 5 years, it keeps 25% of gross profit growth. It seemed like it was known that Wal Mart would catch Best Buy as the number one store at that time, but I think this was because of different reasons, like its building of so many new stores and supply chain capability.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Analysis of Young Adults Attitudes Towards Sex and Shyness

Analysis of Young Adults Attitudes Towards Sex and Shyness KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE TOWARDS SEXUALITY AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH SHYNESS AMONG YOUNG ADULTS Introduction: Sex refers to whether or not a person is male or female, whether a person has a penis or vagina. Sex is also commonly used as an abbreviation to refer to sexual intercourse. Sexuality refers to the total expression of who we are as a human being, our maleness or our femaleness. Our sexuality begins at birth and ends at death. Everyone is a sexual being. Our sexuality is interplay between body image, gender identity, gender role, sexual orientation, eroticism, genitals, intimacy, relationships, love and affection. A persons sexuality includes his or her attitudes, values, knowledge and behaviors. How people express their sexuality is influenced by their families, culture, society, faith and beliefs. Sources of sexual learning include parents, friends, religion, culture, media, environment, law, school, teachers, books, etc. Knowledge Myth according to Merriam Webster Dictionary is an idea or story that is believed by many people but that is not true. Myth comes into existence due to lack of scientific knowledge with regard to particular idea. Attitude is positive or negative expression towards a person, place, thing, or event (the attitude object). Gordon Allport define attitude as the most distinctive and indispensable concept in contemporary social psychology. Attitude can be formed from a persons past and present experiences. Attitude is also measurable and changeable as well as influencing the persons emotion and behavior. Attitude towards sex Shyness is the feeling of apprehension, lack of comfort or awkwardness especially when a person is in proximity to other people. This commonly occurs in new situations or with unfamiliar people. Shyness can be a characteristic of people who have low self-esteem. Stronger forms of shyness are usually referred to as social anxiety or social phobia. Sexuality is a vital aspect of human development with biological, psychological and social components, which may facilitate identity, well-being, pleasure, affectionate, relationships and reproduction (Formenti 2005; Ahmadi 2010). Sexuality also refers to the human potential of consciousness and specific forms of behaviour that are likely to change at different stages of life (Tiefer 1995; Zubarew 2006). In reality, the sexual behaviour of young people is influenced by attitudes and values that start to develop long before they begin to attend school. Moreover, during schooling, young people continue to be strongly influenced by messages from the family, peers and the media. Sexual offences in general are increasing, according to National Crime Records Bureau, Crime in India 2011 Statistics, Sexual Harassment (Sec.509 IPC) cases registered are 9746 (0.9), 9966 (0.9), 10950 (1.0) 12214 (1.1), 11009 (0.9) and 9961 (0.8) in the year 2001, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. There are many cases which are not reported and under reported cases still many are pending. The crimes related to sex are increasing still as days are passing, the reason behind it is just a gratification or its all about the misconception and experiments which are committed by young adults? Upcoming of new websites and updates with regard to sexuality are increasing. These entire information shows positive side and very less on its disadvantages. This has brought confusion among young adults. The developmental age leads to curiosity which in turn leads to experimentation and at last the results will lead to tragedy in individual life. All these have lots of implication on human potential to become responsible citizen but youth is not properly directed and they are not empowered with the skill to have a healthy, physical, psychological and psycho-social environment. Todays digital technology bringing lots of myths and directing youths from the thrust (it’s a reaction force) areas of education. Its not always easy to ask for what you want where sex is concerned? And if were naturally shy, it can feel almost impossible. Shyness in the bedroom is common for many people, particularly with women. When its present the result is always the same-physically relating to another person becomes difficult. If it isnt corrected early on, the foundation of a relationship can weaken, leading to sexual frustration, arguments, cheating or worse a broken love affair. By its very character, sexual shyness acts as a barrier that keeps two people at a distance. Kaustav. C and Guha. T. R, in their review article on Indian concepts on sexuality in Jan 2013, published in Indian Journal of Psychiatry mentions about Sexuality in Adolescence and Young Adulthood that, Indian children are pampered as much as possible, often until age 6 or 7. Before puberty, a natural approach to sexuality and nudity prevails, especially in rural areas. Daughters and sons are carefully prepared for their future domestic roles as mothers and fathers. Women are considered to be much more skilled than males in love and sexual pleasures. At puberty, most boys and girls are segregated. In some regions of India, pubescent girls are not even allowed to enter a house where a single young man is present. Masturbation is generally unacceptable among girls. For boys however, it is considered a preparation for mature sex life. Though boys at the younger ages may masturbate together without shame, at little more mature ages, they all give it up. Among adolescents, Reddy et al, i n a 1983 study found that the sample youth had their first sexual experience between the ages of 15 and 24 years. Homosexual activities were also reported in this study: 38% of women in the sample reported that their first sexual activity had been with a partner of the same sex. Traditionally, premarital sex activity was controlled in India. As the marriages were mostly arranged by elders, premarital sex was not the accepted practice. Although premarital sex among the tribal societies of India has been widely reported, there is very little if any reliable data on this topic in either the rural or urban areas. A study by Savara and Sridhar in 1992 showed that 30% of the respondents had experienced premarital sex, while 41% of unmarried men and 33% of married men had their first intercourse before attaining 20 years. Stephanie S. L, Larry J. N, Franklin O. P, Brian J. W. conducted a study on Emerging Adult Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors, Does Shyness Matter? in 2013 at Brigham Young University. According to study â€Å"Numerous studies have shown how shyness affects individuals in childhood and adolescence. However, little is known about the effects shyness may have in emerging adulthood. This study addressed how shyness may be associated with sexual attitudes and behaviors of emerging adult men and women. Participants included 717 students from four college sites across the United States, who were largely female (69%), European American (69%), unmarried (100%), and living outside their parents home (90%). Results suggested that shyness was positively associated with sexual attitudes (reflecting more liberal views) for men whereas shyness was negatively associated with sexual attitudes for women. Shyness was positively associated with solitary sexual behaviors of masturbation and pornography use for men. Shyness was also negatively associated with relational sexual behaviors (coital and non coital) and number of lifetime partners for women†. Need for the Study The children of today are not the children of yesterday. Growth in terms of maturity and knowledge can be seen on a large scale for the adolescent population of today. Notions and ideas about sexuality were a prohibited topic till long time back but now adolescents are much aware and filled with various kinds of knowledge on the same. Researchers have shown that parents play the most significant role in imparting sex education to their adolescent children. They have been found to be the primary sex educators where basic and the initial knowledge about sexual attitudes and the like are conveyed on to the children. India is a multi-culture country, here perspectives differs from region to region and even socio-economic wise also. The young adults who comes from these various background mixes up in educational institutions, their knowledge and perceptions are been shared which leads to change in attitude towards a concept. With emerging westernization, there is growing concern about sex ual promiscuity and changing attitude towards sexuality. Aim: The present study aims in knowing the attitudes of young adults towards the concept of sex, myths associated with it due to lack of knowledge and their relationship with shyness. Objectives: To study the knowledge, attitude about sexuality and shyness among young adults. To study the effect of shyness and its relationship to the knowledge and attitude towards sexuality. To study the influence of demographic variables (Gender, Developmental Span, Area, Medium of Instruction and Exposure to Digital Technology) on a) Knowledge, b) Sexuality and c) Shyness. Hypotheses: Young adults differ in terms of knowledge, attitude towards sexuality and shyness. Shyness leads to lesser knowledge and unfavorable attitude towards sexuality. Demographic variables (Gender, Developmental Span, Area, Medium of Instruction, and Exposure to Digital Technology) have significant influence on a) Knowledge, b) Sexuality and c) Shyness. Sample: 600 both male and female young adults (18-25 years) from different colleges of Mysore City will be included for the present study. Participating in the study was voluntary and the questionnaire will be filled in anonymously. Tools: A semi-structured socio-demographic profile to ascertain the socio-demographic details shall be used. Sex Myth Check List by S.P. Kumar: This is a test with 23 highly sensitive items in Yes/No format and reveals the mythical relations to sex among both the sex. This test is developed on 18-25 year population. The test-retest reliability has been found to be .70 (N=30) with one weeks time interval, showing that the check-list is fairly dependable in terms of stability of scores in table. Showing Test-Retest Reliability The face validity of the check-list appears to be fairly high as the myth items were prepared following intensive interviews of 25 college-going students regarding their conceptions or misconceptions about different aspects of sexuality. The content validity was adequately assured as only those myth items were initially included in the myth check-list which had shown 100 per cent agreement amongst the judges. Of theses, only those myth items which showed a high discriminating value (.26 or above) following item-analysis were finally selected for the check-list. On the assumption that the low myth Ss would show better mental health as compared to the high myth Ss, a group of 54 Ss 27 Being high myth and 27 being low myth Ss were administered the Mental Health Check-list (Kumar, 1992). As hypothesized the low myth Ss scored significantly higher on the mental health measure, showing that they possessed better mental health as compared to the high myth Ss. Sexual Attitude Scales (SAS) by Amit Abraham: The Sexual Attitude Sclaes (S.A.S) has been developed for the exclusive purpose of research work in the area of human sexuality. The SAS provide for measures of attitude in five areas of human sexuality, viz., Attitude Towards Premarital Sex (PSS); Attitude Towards Polygamy (PS); Attitude Towards Pornography (PGS); Attitude Towards Lesbianism (LS) – for women only and Attitude Towards Homosexuality (HS) – for men only. The reliability was worked out by both the split-half and test-retest method) 3 months interval between retesting) for each of the SAS. Table shows the reliability for each scale. Showing Test Re-Test and Split Half Reliability The face validity of the scales is fairly high as the items were prepared after intensive discussion with various men and women and after survey of available literature on male and female sexuality. The content validity was adequately assured as only items which showed cent per cent agreement amongst the judges regarding their relevance to sexuality study were selected. Of these, only those items which had high t-value (greater than 1.75, Edwards, 1969) following item analysis were finally selected. Shyness scale: The shyness assessment test was developed by DSouza (2006) of Maharajas College, University of Mysore. It consists of 54 items and requires the subject to indicate his/her response by marking Yes, No or Cant say. The items in the test pertain to three domains of Shyness: Cognitive/Affective (32 items), Physiological and Action oriented program resulted in Cornbachs alpha coefficient of 0.817 for the Indian population. Further, the scale had sufficiently high validity. SAT is developed exclusively on Indian adolescents by DSouza (2006). The reliability index ascertained by split half (odd-even) method and Cronbachs alpha coefficient for the scale as a whole were found to be 0.735 and 0.812 respectively. The reliability indices of the 3 domains were also calculated by split half method which are as follows: Reliability Indices of Three Domains Methodology: Pilot study on 60 samples on younger adults aged between 18-25 years done before the Main study. After obtaining Informed consent from the participants, young adults from different colleges of Mysore City shall be assessed with the tools mentioned for relationship of knowledge, attitude towards sex and shyness. Statistical Methods: The following statistical techniques will be used for analysis and interpretation of data: Descriptive Statistics, t test Independent Samples, ANOVA One way/two way, Correlation Pearsons Product Moment and 5.Regression Stepwise Multiple. Chapterization: The entire research work will run into five chapters. The first one on Introduction brings out the importance of the study, and states its objectives and hypotheses. It also includes methodology and limitations. Chapter II will contain previous reviews, history of the Problems. A Quick look on subjective well-being will also be carried out in chapter II. Chapter III will be a methodological part of the study. Analysis and Discussions is to be done in Chapter IV. Findings, Conclusions and Suggestions for further Research will be presented in Chapter V followed by Bibliography and References. References: Canadian Living, How to overcome shyness when it comes to sex, to overcome shyness when it comes to sex.php Newfriends4u, Sexual Shyness, shyness.html Resource Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention, Learning Activities, Sex and Sexuality: Understanding the Difference, D=167 Crime in India 2011 Statistics, National Crime Records Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. Kaustav. C and Guha. T. R, Indian concepts on sexuality, Indian J Psychiatry. Jan 2013; 55(Suppl 2): S250-S255. doi: 10.4103/00195545.105546. Stephanie S. L, Larry J. N, Franklin O. P, Brian J. W, Emerging Adult Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors, Does Shyness Matter?, Sage Journals, Emerging Adulthood September 2013 vol. 1 no. 3 185195, doi: 10.1177/2167696813475611. (psychology)oldid=629345408 Fisher, T. D., Davis, C. M., Yarber, W. L., Davis, S. L. (2010). Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures. New York: Routledge. Shyness: Ind Psychiatry J. 2010 Jul-Dec; 19(2): 90-93. DOI: 10.4103/0972-6748.90337

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Patriot Act Essay -- USA Terrorism Surveillance Wire Tapping

The Patriot Act In the wake of September 11, many things happened very quickly. Along with the beginning of a 'war' against terrorism, an act was passed to help prevent future terrorism in the USA. The name of this is the USA Patriot Act. The act legalizes many surveillance techniques that were once prohibited. The act has been passed without debate, and the new privileges given to our government have not been thoroughly examined. The law enforcers of our country are now capable of monitoring the citizens in ways most people are not aware of. Some of the surveillance laws are self-terminating after four years, but many of the more important laws are permanent. What will these new surveillance laws be used for after the war on terrorism is over? Lee Tien, the Electronic Frontier Foundation staff attorney, suggests that the new rights can be used to put America into a 'police state'. There is a need for checks and balances in the USA Patriot Act to protect the American citizens. There are two hundred ninety pages in the USA Patriot Act; many of these pages are discussing subjects that change the rights of American citizens forever. The act was passed in a little over a month, which suggest that few, if any, congressmen thoroughly read this detailed act. In times of crisis, history has proved that United States citizens willingly compromise their right of privacy without considering the consequences. Many people have openly accepted this act without knowing what it is, most people have never even heard of the USA Patriot Act. The USAPA (USA Patriot Act) has not gone under the scrutiny that any normal act would have, yet this could be more important than any other act to date. The USAPA allows national or domestic law enforces (from the NSA, FBI, and CIA all the way down to the local police) to tap your computer or voice mail with a simple search warrant issued by a judge. Only one out of ten thousand of these search warrants requests are rejected. The law enf orcers are also allowed to tap electronic devices without telling the victim about the warrant or that they are being monitored. Also, the CIA and other foreign agencies are allowed to share information with the domestic law enforcement. This means that agencies that were once not allowed to intervene in the affairs of the USA can do so without punishment. These are few of the many la... ...dly, there should be a report on if the information acquired is used in court. This is a check on the usefulness of the information gathered by the law enforcers, and a way to monitor the proper use of the search warrant. Fourthly, a check on how the information attained is to be shared with other law based government agencies. It is a way to protect the privacy of the victim, so people do not needlessly read private documents. Finally, the public should be aware of the success or failure of the system. The people should be informed if their loss of privacy has done what it is intended to, which is to protect the country. These checks and balances of the USA Patriot Act are needed if the men and women of the USA want to feel safe. Thus, the USAPA must have many checks as well as balances if the people of the United States are to be happy with it. Until then, people remain concerned that Congress has passed such extensive declines in the right of Americans to be liberated from dominating government observation. But having done so, it is essential that Congress where feasible, shares with the American nation basic information about how these wide new powers are being used.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Jenkins Corporation True of False Test

1) An example of a goal statement that is SMART is â€Å"Jenkins Corporation expects to achieve a 5% improvement in the on-time delivery of its computer components. True / False2) You are involved with a team where members encourage relationship-building roles and team members take responsibility for providing feedback regarding performance. Your team is in the norming stage. True / False3) Open ended questions elicit specific information are useful for point clarification and when time is limited. However, they questions restrict the interviewee’s freedom. True / False4) When presenting to a group that may display opposition to the topic, it is advisable to tailor your message utilizing a two-sided message. True / False5) Double-barreled questions assume a condition that the interviewee may not agree with but calls for the interviewee to support that condition. True / False6) When planning a meeting that applies the rule of three-fourths, information is dispersed to particip ants at the three-quarter point between meetings. True / False7) The task of the team in the forming stage is to clarify direction. True / False8) An Everest goal represents an extraordinary achievement. True / False9) Abilene paradox and boiled frog syndrome enhance the effectiveness of decision making in team meetings. True / False10) To reach the fourth stage of the four stages of team development labeled by Tuckman, a team must progress through the first three stages of development. True / False11) Once the team has developed a comfortable climate, the next stage is the performing stage. True / False12) â€Å"You are completely naive,† is more effective feedback than â€Å"Your comments are not on the topic.† True / False13) When conducting an interview, elaboration, clarification, and repetition may be used as probing methods. True / False14) When planning a meeting that applies the rule of halves, agenda items are in the hands of the agenda  scheduler no later than one-half of the time interval between the last meeting and the upcoming meeting. True / False

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Balancing Chemical Equations

Balancing chemical equations 1. Complete the following sentences, using the words or groups of words in the box below. You may use some words more than once. †¢ as small as possible |†¢ decrease |†¢ molecules |†¢ quantities | |†¢ balance |†¢ different |†¢ nature |†¢ rearranging | |†¢ bonds |†¢ equal |†¢ never |†¢ release of a gas | |†¢ characteristic properties |†¢ heat |†¢ new elements |†¢ rules | |†¢ check |†¢ increase |†¢ nuclear |†¢ signs | |†¢ chemical |†¢ law of conservation |†¢ nucleus |†¢ state | |†¢ chemical equation |of mass |†¢ physical |†¢ stoichiometry | |†¢ coefficient |†¢ mass of products |†¢ precipitate |†¢ subscript symbols | |†¢ colour |†¢ mass of reactants |†¢ products |†¢ transformed | |†¢ counting |†¢ molar mass |†¢ proportions |†¢ whole numbers | a)There are three types of changes in matter: ________________________ changes, chemical changes and ________________________ changes. b)A physical change occurs when the form or the ________________________ of a substance is changed. For example, when liquid water is cooled, it becomes ice.Whether water is in liquid form or in the form of ice, the ________________________ that form water remain the same. The ________________________ of water do not change. c)A ________________________ change alters the ________________________ of a substance. The very nature of the ________________________ is altered: they are no longer the same after the change. This transformation involves ________________________ the bonds between the atoms and forming new molecules. d)A ________________________ transformation involves changes that occur in the ________________________ of the atom. The transformation causes the atoms to split and form ________________________. ) Chemical changes occur when the ________________________ between reactants (initial substances) are broken to form new ________________________ (final substances), whose characteristic properties are ________________________. During this process, the quantities of reactants ________________________, and the quantities of products ________________________. f) We can recognize that a chemical change has taken place by certain ________________________: the ________________________, the emission or absorption of ________________________, the emission of light, a change in ________________________, and the formation of a ________________________. ) A chemical change, or chemical reaction, can be represented by a ________________________, which shows how the change took place. It is useful to identify the ________________________ of the substances (solid, liquid, gas or aqueous solution) with ________________________ in parentheses to the right of the substance. h) The scientist Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier made this famous statement that expla ins the________________________: â€Å"Nothing is lost; nothing is created; everthing is ________________________. † This means that the ________________________ before the chemical reaction is equal to the ________________________ after the reaction. ) To follow the law of conservation of mass, we must ________________________ chemical equations by ________________________ the number of atoms of each element on the reactants side and on the products side of the equation. The appropriate ________________________ must be placed in front of each substance so that the number of atoms on each side of the equation is ________________________. j) Certain ________________________ must be followed when balancing a chemical equation. The coefficients must be ________________________, and they must be ________________________. New substances must ________________________ be added, nor existing substances removed.Subscripts in chemical formulas must ________________________ be changed. Finally, we must ________________________ the equation by comparing the number of atoms of each element on either side. k) When a chemical equation is properly balanced, we can find the ________________________ of reactants needed for a reaction and predict the resulting quantities of products. ________________________ is the study of these proportions. It is essential to maintain the ________________________ of the substances throughout the reaction. We can use ________________________ to convert moles into grams. 2. What kind of change is described by each of the following examples? |a) a worn tire | | | |b) limewater that turns white | | | |c) a bracelet that tarnishes | | | |d) the fission of a uranium nucleus | | | |e) rusting iron | | | |f) mercury that expands in hot weather | | | |g) the fusion of the nuclei of several atoms | | | |h) food being transformed into energy | | | |i) salt dissolving in water | | | |j) radium emitting radiation | | 3.For each of the following exam ples, name at least one sign that a chemical change is occurring. a) A match burns. | | | b) A yellow substance appears when NaI is mixed with Pb(NO3)2. | | | c) Bubbles form when chalk is mixed with hydrochloric acid. | | | d) A bright light appears when a piece of magnesium is burned. | | 4. Write a chemical formula to represent the following situation. Aluminum oxide (AlO), commonly called alumina, is formed by the reaction between aluminum (Al) and oxygen (O2). Balance the equation. | | | | | | 5. Balance each of the following chemical equations by indicating the number of atoms in each molecule involved in the reaction. a) C(s)+ H2(g) + O2(g) ( CH3OH(g) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | b)Al(s) + O2 (g) ( Al2O3(s) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | c)C(s) + Cl2(g) + H2(g) ( CHCl3(g) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 6.The decomposition of 10 g of copper oxide is represented by the following equation: 2 CuO(s) ( 2 Cu(s) + O2(g) If you obtain 8 g of copper, what am ount of oxygen was released? Explain your answer. | | | | | | | | | | | | 7. Calculate the mass and the number of moles of silver produced if you make 10  mol of zinc react with sufficient silver nitrate. (The equation is not balanced. Zn(s) + AgNO3(aq) ( Ag(s) + Zn(NO3)2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 8. What mass of glucose will be formed if you make 32  mol of hydrochloric acid react with sufficient carbon? (The equation is not balanced. ) HCl(l) + C(s) ( C10H16(aq) + Cl2(g) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 9. Given the reaction for the synthesis of ammonia: N2(g) + 3 H2(g) ( 2 NH3(g) How many moles of hydrogen are needed to produce 50  g of ammonia? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 10. Given the following equation: 2 Na(s) + 2 H2O(l) ( 2 NaOH(aq) + H2(g) How many moles of hydrogen will be produced by the complete reaction of 75  g of sodium? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ———â€⠀Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Support activities – Second Year of Secondary Cycle Two |EST | | student BOOK: Chapter 4, pages 108–113 | | Related Handout: Concept review 15 | ACTIVITY 15 EST EST EST EST EST ———————–  ©ERPI Reproduction and adaptation permitted solely for classroom use with Observatory. Observatory / Guide 11129-B

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

justice and sovereignty essays

justice and sovereignty essays There are two basic questions in this world. Who governs? And to what ends do they govern? These questions raise concerns over the limits of power given to people. How much power is just? In their writings, Plato, John Locke, and Robert A. Dahl address the question of what is the meaning of justice and sovereignty. Each of them has distinct definitions on what justice is and how it can be applied to power. In The Cave, Plato writes that justice comes from truth. In Platos opinion truth is the path to ultimate good. It is supreme over everything else in this universe. He allows truth to guide his perception of what justice is and should be. Plato thought that justice had to come from that which was absolute. Knowledge and those things that are irrefutable led to truth. Truth in turn led to reason, which led to the ultimate good, which in Platos eyes was wisdom. Without having a vision of their truth, no one can act with wisdom either in his life or in matters of state. Plato believes that in order for someone to reach justice, they must first find out what the truth is. Therefore Plato was saying that in order for one to be just, he/she must also be knowledgeable. They must understand all of the facts surrounding them and accept them as being true to them. Because Plato believes that justice should be based upon truth and knowledge, he then also believes that philosopher kings should be the ones who carry out justice. Since justice derives from wisdom, which guides the minds of the philosopher kings, it is only right that they are the ones who should rule over the people. The philosopher kings will rule over the people justly and unselfishly because their only desire is to reach the absolute truth without any personal gain. While in theory Platos ideas are very reasonable they lead one to believe that they are un ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Bach2 essays

Bach2 essays He was a musical genius with thousands of musical compositions written in his lifetime. He spent his life in Germany, primarily Leipzig, and worked at a school for the city. He is considered to be one of the greatest musical composers, and composed till the day he died. An unruly youth who greatly disliked authority, he had a strong will and mind of his own. Well liked with many friends, yet no one really knew his inner workings, or how he thought. Of the thousands of musical pieces he composed, few were published in his life. This was a man who composed in great numbers, had reasons for doing so, and lived a rather simple, middle class Johann Sebastian Bach (J.S.) was born March 21st 1685, in Eisenach, Germany. His father was Johann Ambrosius, a court trumpeter for the Duke of Eisenach and the director of the musicians of the town of Eisenach. His family had been well known for many generations as a He started school when he was eight and when he was nine he was sent to live with his older brother. His parents had died after losing two other children, a son and a daughter. His brother, Johann Christoph Bach, let J.S. live with him in Ohrdruf, Germany. Under the teachings of his brother Bach quickly mastered the organ and harpsichord. During his stay with his brother, Bach attended school and was encouraged by his older brother to study composition. Soon Bach could no longer stay with his brother, for his brothers family was getting too big. Bach traveled with a school friend, on foot, to a North-German musical center in Luneberg, Germany. At this time J.S. was 15-years-old, and had a beautiful soprano voice which helped him get into the school. It was his violin playing, which he developed while there, that kept him at the school after he lost his soprano voice. He stayed in Luneberg until he was nearly eighteen. He was now looking for a job. He wanted the post as org...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

International Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International Law - Research Paper Example Goliath and Junior are correct because their trade policies cannot be termed as monopolies outside the United States. Cayman Islands (Junior, Ltd.) is a foreign company and is, therefore, not subject to the laws governing trade in the United States. Goliath Inc is also not liable to the law suit being supported by the United States since its contract with Junior Ltd does not affect the American market. Regulations concerning price fixing are normally applied internationally. However, when there are laws that seek to restrict price fixing to national sovereignty, challenges arise in finding out whether Goliath and Junior violated the anti-trust law (Mann and Barry, 2004). The major controversy arises due to the applicability of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to foreign businesses. It is true that Goliath was in contract with a company of foreign origin. However, its market is outside the United States. It is, therefore, difficult to enforce the law to the international market (Hylton, 2003). The geographic market is very important in determining whether the two companies engaged in illegal dealings. According to the act, the confines of the market are only within the United States. The market in which companies sell their products should be national, regional or local but not global. Goliath Inc. and Junior Ltd. have not committed any crime by engaging gin contracts that may affect the international market. The United States government should only be concerned if the operations of the two companies are affecting the national and interstate markets. The market in which an organization, for instance, Goliath Inc. and Junior Ltd. serve is not limited by transportation costs, the kinds of service, or product they sell and the geographic location of their competitors. Different countries have different laws concerning market monopolies. It is, therefore, difficult to find Junior Ltd with any wrong doing since the company is registered in line with

Friday, October 18, 2019

A moment in my life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A moment in my life - Essay Example We typically go on trips every weekend, with either her friends or mine. One day in 2006, my friend asked me for a favor. I have a penchant for fixing cars and anything mechanical, and so when my friend approached me to fix his car, I was more than willing to do it for him. He went to the house with the car, and said, â€Å"Buddy, I do not have the time and the funds to have this thing fixed. But if you promise to do it for me, we’d have a joy ride during the weekend.† Being best friends for the past 10 years, I willingly obliged. It took me several hours of painstaking diagnosis and greasy work to have the thing fixed. â€Å"Vrrrrrrrrrrooooom!†, it finally went. Alas, the car was good as new. Excited with what I had accomplished, I ran to the phone to call Carl and tell him that the machine was ready for pick up. â€Å"Don’t forget the job ride!†, I muttered. Shouting, he replied, â€Å"It’s a date, and don’t forget to bring along your sister.† Karl and my sister were best friends as well, and there were countless times when we were each others’ confidantes. My sister willingly tagged along on that bright, Saturday. The weather was pleasant, and we all drove without even knowing where we were destined to go. The usual chit-chat made us forget about the time, and we were exhausted after three hours of laughter. Without much warning, the unexpected happened. A ten-wheeler truck was speeding at the other lane, and Carl tried his best to avoid it when the car’s breaks did not function as expected. In a few seconds, the car turned turtle, and I saw both Carl and my sister unconscious. There was blood all over the place. My sister had enough strength to tell me, â€Å"Take care. Go get some help†¦save yourself.† I was in total panic and I could not feel anything. â€Å"They’re here. There’s a conscious guy here!†. The paramedics came, and brought in all of us into the ambulance onto the nearest hospital. I was a

Answer Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Answer Questions - Essay Example There is hope in her revelation, but she says it as explained to her by Jesus. Both revelations and experiences preach the love of God, and the need to have a strong belief in him. Perpertua’s revelation shows God’s love and power, she saw a sign of victory over the devil. Julian’s revelations are also explanations of God’s love. She explains that irrespective of suffering caused by sin, God has a reason for it, and that reason is love. In one of her revelations, she explains how God loves us, and HE knows it is not our fault to sin, but he knows that sin brings pain, and so warns his people against sinning, but all is well for people will rejoice when they will understand the purpose of sin. They both understand human nature as having the body different from the soul and the spirituality of human beings. The body is considered the weak feature which leads humans to sin. St. Augustine for example, indicates that the sins committed by humans are of the flesh, but they corrupt the soul. Paul also indicates that flesh is the weak and powerless feature, therefore vulnerable to sin. Transformation in the human heart and soul comes from interaction between the features of human nature. Pauls believes that living by the Spirit is living a life free of sin. Augustine considers himself, a fully grown person spiritually, for he was no longer driven by ambition which was accompanied by â€Å"heavy servitude in the hope of wealth and reputation† They include; the excessive adoration of saints, corruption within the church, the justification that one must be saved through the church and faith, and the low intellectual and moral standards of the ordained priests, and that the scripture and tradition are of the same inspiration in Christianity. The prologue describes Jesus the person, and his ministry. In his interaction with Nicodemus, Jesus is shown as the son of God, and the teacher. The son of God is through

Advanced Nursing Role Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Advanced Nursing Role - Essay Example elly (2012) front line managers are responsible for patient care delivery, planning and monitoring resources, maintaining codes and standards and developing and evaluating staff. Middle-level managers facilitate cooperating in the organization by serving as a link between front line and upper-level managers. Upper-level managers are specialized in management and administration of the healthcare organization; by establishing goals and strategizing plans (p. 401). I agree that nurse managers and nurse administrators have supervisory tasks in an organization. Even though individuals sometimes regard a nurse administrator and nurse manager as one administration role, it should be noted that these two roles differ in responsibility and payment. Nurse Managers are responsible for a single unit within a medical facility, while a nurse administrator is responsible for more than one unit all units in a medical facility. Additionally, nurse managers fall under the category of middle management, while nurse administrators fall under executive level management (Crowther, 2008). In regard to educational level; nevertheless, they can possess a graduate degree as an added advantage; while nurse administrators require a graduate degree as well as clinical experience. Nurse Managers work directly with nurses who offer primary care to patients, giving guidance on the appropriate medical care, whereas nurse administrators work with middle-level managers and other senior staff, thereby providing indirect care to patients (Parker & Smith,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Seven Top Competencies of a Project Manager Essay

Seven Top Competencies of a Project Manager - Essay Example Role of the Project Manager The project manager has a significant role of ensuring execution of the project in different areas including planning, operation, monitoring, and control, as well as ending the project per se. Project managers coordinate activities of project team members to achieve the proposed objectives and the vision of the project. In their day-to-day functions, the projects managers have to focus on short and long-term activities. Conventionally, project managers focused on larger, more comprehensive projects. However, contemporary organizations give project managers the mandate to work with even smaller, less technical projects. The Project Management concept has received a lot of attention in the past few decades and has become a highly desired area in most of institutions and organizations. According to Muller and Turner (2010), one goal of a good project manager is to know how he/she is going to manage his/her project, know what to do if the implementation plan f ails, to accomplish the project objectives and ensure integration of the inputs of all of the project stakeholders. Further, the role of project managers is diverse. Turner and Muller (2005) highlight that they determine how the project should set off. By good Integrated Management they help in determining, developing and managing the direction of the project, as well as the scope of the project. A good and well defined project must include best scope management practices that include planning, defining and managing the scope of the project. Another issue is on-time and cost management. Managers should develop budget and a good time plan such as developing a schedule, allocating resources and managing funds for the project for effective results. A good process gives good output due to quality management. There must be a task force to take care of the quality of the process in question such that it meets or even exceeds various quality parameters set but the laid down standards (Camp us, 2002). Human Resource Management is vital and is the responsibility of the project manager. He/she needs to take care of his/her team, encourage and motivate members and make sure the team is on a pathway to success, which helps to ensure that the project implementation process moves in the right direction (Campus, 2002). Communication allows good information flow and hence communication management should be one of the critical aspects that project managers should strive to accomplish among senior and junior staff. The project manager needs to prepare a communication plan, communication technique and make sure that there is healthy communication, both internally and externally (Crawford, 2000). The manager is evaluated successfully against each of the factors affecting his/her communication skills. Risk and hazards are inevitable and, hence, there is need for project managers to establish strong risk management strategies. Various risks which exist in a project should be identif ied and a mitigation plan needs to be developed and implemented to ensure that the project is not affected at any point. A project manager determines success or failure of the project based on the work and procurement plans developed before ground breaking. The project manager has a role of ensuring that procurement plans are strategically positioned to enhance the accomplishment of the project objectives. Various materials needed during the project need to be procured and

Employment Relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Employment Relationship - Essay Example What above discussion suggests is the fact that the conflict is an inherent and often permanent element in the equation of employment relations as despite being agreed on trading off the job security with the loyalty to be shown to the employers, employees still consider a degree of conflict in their relationship with employers. This however, further depend upon the relative degree of conflict in the employment relations as such conflict may between the different layers of employees as well as the employers/management. The term industrial relation potentially defines the relationship between the workers/employees and the management of the organization. Earlier efforts on defining the industrial relations concentrated on defining the industrial relations in terms of "processes of control over work relations" (Hills). This definition therefore set up the tome of industrial relations in terms of the defining as to how the work relations are controlled within an organization. The emergence of the term Industrial Relations happened during the decade of 1920s due to enormous increase in industrial activity in US and UK. However, over the period of time, its interpretation as well as name has changed from Industrial Relations to Personnel Management and from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management. Despite such change, it is critical to understand that the basic theoretical thrust behind the concept has remained same i.e. management of people. (Edwards). Edwards is also of the opinion that sinc e the industrial relations are basically responsible for the employment management therefore a better representation of the term Industrial Relations can also be Employment relation. The representation of the workers is achieved through the formation of a collective bargaining agent or unions which often negotiate the nature of relationship between workers and the management of the firm. It is also critical to understand that the degree of industrial relations may vary at everyone functional level i.e. they may have different dynamics when viewed at the shop/floor level whereas the intensity and significance may greatly vary when the same is dealt much higher level of employment relations. Further, the degree and variability of industrial relations also depend upon the relative technological strengths of the employers as with the advancement in technology, many jobs may be rendered as redundant and many workers may loose their jobs due to technological change. Employment Relations Employment relationships need to be viewed in two perspectives i.e. from the point of view of the employee and the employer. For an employee, employment is an obvious source of income and a way to achieve the social recognition and identity. Thus the term employment relations not only have the economic influence, but it also carries a social orientation due to the different softer issues involved in the process. (Bamber,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Advanced Nursing Role Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Advanced Nursing Role - Essay Example elly (2012) front line managers are responsible for patient care delivery, planning and monitoring resources, maintaining codes and standards and developing and evaluating staff. Middle-level managers facilitate cooperating in the organization by serving as a link between front line and upper-level managers. Upper-level managers are specialized in management and administration of the healthcare organization; by establishing goals and strategizing plans (p. 401). I agree that nurse managers and nurse administrators have supervisory tasks in an organization. Even though individuals sometimes regard a nurse administrator and nurse manager as one administration role, it should be noted that these two roles differ in responsibility and payment. Nurse Managers are responsible for a single unit within a medical facility, while a nurse administrator is responsible for more than one unit all units in a medical facility. Additionally, nurse managers fall under the category of middle management, while nurse administrators fall under executive level management (Crowther, 2008). In regard to educational level; nevertheless, they can possess a graduate degree as an added advantage; while nurse administrators require a graduate degree as well as clinical experience. Nurse Managers work directly with nurses who offer primary care to patients, giving guidance on the appropriate medical care, whereas nurse administrators work with middle-level managers and other senior staff, thereby providing indirect care to patients (Parker & Smith,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Employment Relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Employment Relationship - Essay Example What above discussion suggests is the fact that the conflict is an inherent and often permanent element in the equation of employment relations as despite being agreed on trading off the job security with the loyalty to be shown to the employers, employees still consider a degree of conflict in their relationship with employers. This however, further depend upon the relative degree of conflict in the employment relations as such conflict may between the different layers of employees as well as the employers/management. The term industrial relation potentially defines the relationship between the workers/employees and the management of the organization. Earlier efforts on defining the industrial relations concentrated on defining the industrial relations in terms of "processes of control over work relations" (Hills). This definition therefore set up the tome of industrial relations in terms of the defining as to how the work relations are controlled within an organization. The emergence of the term Industrial Relations happened during the decade of 1920s due to enormous increase in industrial activity in US and UK. However, over the period of time, its interpretation as well as name has changed from Industrial Relations to Personnel Management and from Personnel Management to Human Resource Management. Despite such change, it is critical to understand that the basic theoretical thrust behind the concept has remained same i.e. management of people. (Edwards). Edwards is also of the opinion that sinc e the industrial relations are basically responsible for the employment management therefore a better representation of the term Industrial Relations can also be Employment relation. The representation of the workers is achieved through the formation of a collective bargaining agent or unions which often negotiate the nature of relationship between workers and the management of the firm. It is also critical to understand that the degree of industrial relations may vary at everyone functional level i.e. they may have different dynamics when viewed at the shop/floor level whereas the intensity and significance may greatly vary when the same is dealt much higher level of employment relations. Further, the degree and variability of industrial relations also depend upon the relative technological strengths of the employers as with the advancement in technology, many jobs may be rendered as redundant and many workers may loose their jobs due to technological change. Employment Relations Employment relationships need to be viewed in two perspectives i.e. from the point of view of the employee and the employer. For an employee, employment is an obvious source of income and a way to achieve the social recognition and identity. Thus the term employment relations not only have the economic influence, but it also carries a social orientation due to the different softer issues involved in the process. (Bamber,

Breakfast Club Essay Example for Free

Breakfast Club Essay 1. Brian is a perfectionist when it comes to school. Only once has he got any grade under an â€Å"A†. Brian’s parents but a ton of pressure on Brian to perform exceptionally in school. 2. Brian is profiled as a nerd. After he got an â€Å"F† on a shop project he brought a gun into school to kill himself. However, the gun went off while in Brian’s locker so he was given a detention. 3. Brian shows a form of Denial in that when he got the bad grade he wasn’t able to accept it and was going to kill himself. 4. A) I feel that I could trust Brian because he seems like an honest, trustworthy kid. B) If Brian was at CBA I don’t think we would be friends because we don’t have many common interests but it’s possible we might be if we had a lot of classes because Brian is a nice kid. C) On Monday I think Brian will be friends with everyone but Clare. By the end of the year I think he will have had a lot of scholarship offers. In 20 years I think he will have a family and a great job. Andy 1. Andy is a very competitive person who wants to be accepted by his father. In fact the reason he’s so competitive is his father who pushes him to be the absolute best in athletics. 2. Andy is profiled as a jock. One day in the locker room Andy was taping his knee and a smaller weaker kid was getting undressed a few lockers down. Andy thought of his father always talking about how he was so bad in school so Andy beats the kid up and tapes is butt together so he gets detention. 3. Andy uses regression as a defense mechanism by taking his anger and stress out by using physical violence on another smaller kid. 4. A) I don’t think I could trust Andy because stress cause’s him to do dumb things. B) If Andy was at CBA I think we would be friends because we are both involved in sports. However, we might not be because he seems a little weird to me. C) I think on Monday Andy will still hang out with his normal group but also talk to the rest of his detention mates. By t he end of the year I think Andy will be going to college to wrestle. In 20 years I think Andy will have a family of his own, he won’t be talking to his father, and he’ll have a bad knee. John 1. John has a very outgoing but sometimes mean personality. The way he is treated at his own house is what causes john to come across harsh and mean sometimes. 2. John is profiled as a Trouble maker/ Criminal. He pulled the fire alarm in school and that’s his reason for being in detention. 3. Like Andy, John also uses regression as a defense mechanism. For example when the principle takes him out of the room he acts like a little kid and knocks books and papers all over the floor. John has no one to discipline him and tell him not to do this. I actually wouldn’t be surprised if John’s parents did when they got mad. 4. A) I don’t think I could trust john with things such as school work but I do think he would be a person it’s ok to tell things too. B) If John went to CBA I think I would want to be friends with him because he’s very funny. However, we might not be friends because we have different interests. C) I think John will go back to scho ol on Monday and cause trouble as usual but I also think him and Clare will have some sort of a relationship. At the end of the year I think John will leave his home and get a job and living place of his own. In 20 years I think John will have a wife and a low income job.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Automation of the Tapping Machine

Automation of the Tapping Machine CAREER EPISODE 2 INTRODUCTION CE 2.1 The second career episode is based on an experience that I gained after performing a group project as a student of last semester of Bachelor Degree. The project was title Automation of the Tapping Machine. I completed my Bachelors of Engineering Technologist in Mechatronics from Chisholm Institute, Dandenong, Australia. The project was completed in 13 weeks duration, from March 2016 to May 2016. It was undertaken under Prof. Dr. Tharshan Vaithianathan and Prof. Masoud Goudarzi and was a part of my industrial training at R I Instrument and Gear Co. Pty. Ltd. BACKGROUND CE 2.2 Nature of project   Ã‚   Finding a solution that saves cost and time within production is the biggest responsibility of engineers when manufacturing. Automation is required in all the industry to improve efficiency, maintain consistency and speed, reduce waste, and maintaining quality to compete the global market. There were issues arising in tapping and gear cutting machine which lead to wastage of cost and labor time for the company R I Australia. To provide a multiple tapping device at a time and to eliminate the manual adjustment process of the XY table, I had proposed this project. In my project, I had to accomplish all the business goals and objectives assigned to me within defined budget and time parameter. And to minimize the impact within the affected units to standardized the business operations. CE 2.3 The goal of implementing the tapping machine is that it: Facilitates coordination and information sharing both internal and external to the organizations. Will provide better finished products. Enhances the ability and effectiveness of the team to perform their jobs. Easy use Provides an open, flexible, reliable updated technology. CE 2.4 Objectives The primary objective was to address the issue of production and give a possible solution that rectifies it and helps to improve the efficiency of the production and specially in terms of tapping machine and Saws department and to partially optimize the cost. Basically, the whole project is made up of 2 different objectives which is completed to solve the issue. The idea is to achieve a high degree of accuracy in the process. Also, to learn about how stepper motors are programmed through G-coding along with the Arduino board and g shield. CE 2.5 The chart of organizational structure CE 2.6 Duties I started with studying various solutions that fit my problem statement. I researched and surveyed on automation, gears, latest equipment from FSM SMC Learnt how CNC shield is operated and G code is programmed. Performed online and practical testing on the operating machine. Compared various components before selecting them. Researched on drive mechanism, stepper motors, wheel shafts and pulleys. Prepared various engineering drawing for implementation of my project with the help of engineering tools. Diving and providing time slots to team members. Maintaining balance and peace to avoid conflict among each other. Kept good relations with supervisor. Reporting the development of the project to the lab supervisor and coordinator. PERSONAL ENGINEERING ACTIVITY CE 2.7 I first observed the current scenario of the work procedure and the machine operation. Based on my notes, I decided to remove the current manual XY table along with the vice and add a new system motorize stage. The new proposed XY table system will be placed on the base plate of the tapping machine and then further connected to the CNC shield for programming. The table is made such that it holds few work pieces at the same time. Once the work piece is kept and placed on the table, a G code program controls the tapping operations that is obtained from the USB device connected to the CNC shield. The XY table is designed in solid works such that it moves in X and Y directions. There are stepper motor drive shafts that are connected and when they rotate it drives the lead screws connected to it and move the stage in X and Y directions. CE 2.8 The below image shows the proposed XY table and its related components. It is designed keeping in mind the future height of XY table together with the vice along with the length of the drill bite. The drill head is kept and positioned such that the distance from the middle of the base plate to end in Y axis is 90mm. the stroke movement of the table in the direction of Y axis from the center position is assumed to be 50mm and in the direction of X axis it is 100mm. The selection procedure of XY table involved range of steps. At the first stage, it was required to take up the measurements of the current set up that was in use. Later stage was designing, which was done to find out various variables that are related to the table. CE 2.9 Based on certain assumptions and from the current scenario, the calculations for the variables was done and considered as shown in the table below. With these values, selection procedure was carried out for various components and its parameters. For my project a drive mechanism was required which rotates the motor to the table and helps the XY table o move, so for this reason I decided to use ball screw drive mechanism which is ideal for my situation because of its high stiffness and ability for short acceleration and declaration. The motor was selected with the help of online software that helps for various calculation. Arduino G shield is used as it is a suitable hardware solution for CNC motion controlled systems. I made use of engineering tools for drawing each solid work piece and component considering the minute details and its precise values to achieve the highest accuracy level. Maximum payload Stroke Precession Speed 7kg XY:200mmx180mm 20 microns max: 25mm/sec CE 2.10 After completing the above XY table, I had to automate the rotation of hand wheel which controls the vertical movement. And the important point for consideration was the depth of the gear cut. So, it was important to track the vertical movement of the axis of the machine and solution for replacing the manual hand wheel with mechanical automated machine. After all the brainstorming process, I decided to use pulley belt mechanism using a steeper motor to replace the current manual hand wheel. By using this, it would provide high speed of production, accuracy, it will be time saving and less labor involvement which would result in safety. CE 2.11 I used CAD software and other engineering software to design the structure of the components that will be made to use based on the requirement and calculations taken up. The components were compared for price and the budget was kept in mind. It was necessary to take precaution in selecting the correct component as it would affect the whole system. The components used are: Stepper motor required to produce torque to turn rotating wheel shaft for gear cutting operations. Small pulley for motor 14mm inner diameter, selected considering the conditions it met. Large pulley for turning wheel shaft 42mm maximum bore diameter Time belt to transfer momentum between both pulley polyurethane cantilena belt was chosen, which had high grade wire and tension with high flank load capacity. Stepper motor driver to manage the running capacity of the stepper motor Rotary encoder it is basically used to detect original position of the shaft. It converts mechanical displacement signals to electrical signals. Arduino board for programming Arduino Uno r3 CE 2.12 After coming to the conclusions and deciding of the components, I plotted an electrical connection diagram that depicted the structural layout of all the electrical connections that were required between the Arduino UNO board, motor, and the power supply to run this mechanism. The Arduino board was connected to the encoded and the motor. From the diagram, the pin number 8-11 of the board are used for controlling the stepper motor. And the pins from 2 to 4 are used for encoder. Programming is done to deliver the reference data to regulate the motor and encoder. With the help of 5V supply that is received by the UNO board, it supplies the power to the encoder also and both are grounded properly so that same reference voltage is provided to the encoder and the power supply. CE 1.13 After completing the hardware work and when the connection was completed. I performed a troubleshooting, to check the functioning of the mechanism is proper. I used many different engineering software to test the system. Luckily, I didnt come across any major issues while implantation of the project. I only had problems in decided the accurate component that would meet the requirements of my project. I also introduced new engineering skills and workshops in my project such as latest equipments from FSM and SMC, HMI systems, G shield for automated dispatch, and automated field reporting software by using interfaces like G-coding, C++, AFR and CAD. CE 1.14 As I was leading the whole project, I was responsible for managing my group mates. I had to regularly keep updates on their progress and maintain one on one relationship to achieve success in my project. I also maintained good relations with my university supervisors and the company engineer under whom I was getting trained. SUMMARY CE 1.15 I accomplished the goals and objectives assigned to me by the company. I presented them a well-planned and working device which would benefit in their production. I applied various engineering knowledge that I learnt from my bachelors degree. I also introduced new techniques and mechanism that was beneficial and appropriate for my problem summary. I learn new software and learned to prepare a budget and function the project in that assigned budget. I cultured myself into the corporate world and adapt corporate behavior and skills. A project thesis and a presentation of my work was submitted on completion of my work.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Utopian Society in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley :: Brave New World Essays

In the novel Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley a dystopia is presented of a Utopian society where happiness is brought through a drug and your predestined life follows. Aldous Huxley conveys different conflicts with characters being isolated from the society they are being forced to live within. In which, these characters, are brought about reliance of soma, a drug, to stabilize their life. As well as this, the novel expresses the on going battles of having a society that is "perfect". Therefore, because of the isolated, delusional nonperfected-society, the World State introduced in Brave New World defines a Utopian Society. Throughout the story the characters are presented in different social classes. In this World State, society isn't broken down into race, sex, or wealth, it deals with the intelligence level of a human being. Character by character is presented with a strong detachment from reality and the lack of freewill they are given. "It is only kind of pre-natal conditioning envisioned in Brave New World itself, in which the beings produced from bottles are so changed that they are no longer Homo sapiens, that will permanently keep men down" describing the fact that the people made in these test tubes are not normal men (Woodcock 273). Here, you see the outlook that no one could be an acceptable human being when being produced from a bottle. From the top, Alphas, and the bottom, Epsilons, where society is created through test tubes, in which, "Alphas and Betas [remain], (in incubators), until definitely bottled, while the Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons were brought out again, after thirty-six hours to undergo Bokanovsky's Process. . . where eight to ninety-six buds and (where) every bud will grow into a perfectly formed embryo. . . (and the Epsilons suffer) oxygen-shortage for keeping an embryo below par. . . (where) the lower the caste. . .the shorter the oxygen, (and) the brain will be affected first" (Huxley 4-5,15). With the first breath of life, the people have already been determined their fate. As well as the Neo-Pavlovian, which is a procedure to condition kids to respond or not respond to different objects. Roses and books were placed in front of eight month old babies, and "the babies at once fell silent, then began to crawl towards (the roses). . .(and) the crawling babies came squeals of excitement, gurgles and twitterings of pleasure.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Mexican/Latin American “War” on Drugs and Trafficking Essay -- Drugs,

The international drug trade from Latin American states is having an impact on a global scale. The trafficking of drugs along with corruptness and murder is an international conflict that is being fought daily. There are many aspects of the drug war from Mexico and other Latin American states which have effects on United States policy as well as policies from other countries that participate in the global suppression of illegal drugs. It can be hard to differentiate between conflict and issue in regards to Latin America’s drug war and International Relations. The Mexican drug war is a global issue because it interferes with the states ability to collaborate and form policy in order to address the issues between international borders. Conflict arises because certain states want to resolve the situation and are willing to do what is necessary to do so. While drug-related violence in Mexico receives considerable attention, the Northern Triangle of Latin America is far worse. Venezuela has emerged as a major departure point for cocaine trafficked to Europe. Between 2006 and 2008 over half of all detected maritime shipments of cocaine to Europe came from Venezuela. (Crime 2010) These ports in Latin America have had an impact on the cities in the Bahamas as well with the drug cartels exporting their drugs quicker to the surrounding countries; they use the ports of the Caribbean to refuel while on the way to Amer ica. The waters of the Caribbean islands are patrolled by navies from the United States, France, Canada and the Netherlands. (Barnes 2010) However, the patrolling of the waters has not had a significant impact in the delivery of drugs to other countries. As the international drug trade continues to spread and grow, Mexican dru... is their states right to produce these illegal substances if they wish. Supply and demand also shows that as long as people are willing to do illegal drugs states and people will continue to produce them. The United Nations, an international organization, has set up an office called the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, this office is authorized to set up field based projects, research and analytical work, and normative work in the effort to counteract illegal drugs, crime, and terrorism. This office reports directly to the general assembly and is part of a larger Intergovernmental Organization. (U. N. Crime 1997) With this office and the principles of reciprocity, a response to another’s actions when states that help one another in times of trouble or need, governments across the globe are uniting their efforts to stop the trafficking of illegal drugs.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Emotions in Interpersonal Communications Paper Essay

Abstract In the Human Service field, interpersonal communication is between a client and human service professionals. Interpersonal communication is communication that between two people in a relationship and that, as it evolves, helps them to negotiate and define their relationship (Evans, Hearn, Uhlemann & Ivey, 2011). Human service workers use communication to build working relationships with clients. Emotions is an important factor when discussing interpersonal communication within a relationship. Human services must connect to client’s emotions to get a better understanding of how to assist them. â€Å"Emotional connection is thinking with the person rather for about them† (Listening Essentials 2010). Introduction Emotions in interpersonal communication are important role in building working relationship with clients. It is important for human service professional to maintaining eye contact, nonverbal behavior and listening to the clients. Human service workers understand the importance of maintaining working relationships with clients and avoids emotions that are not appropriate in conversations with them. My paper will explain the impact emotions in interpersonal communication, discuss obstacles an interviewer’s faces in dealing with clients and emotions and assess client’s cultural and impact it has on the interviewer. The impact emotions in interpersonal communications In the Human service field, emotions can impact the way human service workers ask questions and responses to clients. The human service worker can gain advantages of client’s emotions by using empathy. Empathy is listening to the client, sharing and understanding their concerns or feelings. Emotions  are the way feel or react to something someone has shared with using nonverbal communications. Client’s emotions reactions can have a negative or positive result if a human service worker can maintain appropriate body language and eye contact. An example of eye contact is looking at the client with your eyes will encourage he or she to keep talking (Evans, Hearn, Uhlemann & Ivey, 2011). Obstacles an interviewer’s faces in dealing with clients and emotions Cultures, gender and religious, are three obstacles interviewer has to prevail when conducting interviews with clients. The important obstacles that cause more problems for an interviewer are controlling clientâ⠂¬â„¢s emotions. The negative aspect of emotions it can cause clients to close the lines of communication with an interviewer. It can impact the listening skills of the client. If this happen then, the interview must gain control of the situation by changing the way the clients is feeling. It is important that an interviewer continue to learn new techniques or skills to overcome obstacles when dealing with clients emotions. â€Å"One strategy for persuading an individual, therefore, is to appeal to your level of knowledge and expertise with respect to the topic† (Interpersonal communication, 2012). Assess client’s cultural and impact it has on the interviewer Communication plays an important role in assisted client in finding solutions to their problems. There are different cultures, languages, religious and lifestyle, but communication can assist human service with meets the needs of all clients. There are many different cultures in the world, so human service workers have made sure they do research on clients before engaging in conversations with them. â€Å"Culturally competent service providers must take into the assessment the full range of factors that influence how any one individual service recipient behaves and communicates† (Cultural Competency and Diversity 2005). It is important for human services workers to learn more about the different cultures so you can help assist client that are from other cultures in understanding their needs. If human service workers continue to educate themselves, they will be able to assess clients from other cultures. Conclusion Emotions in interpersonal communication is another form communication that involve a client and human services worker in the human service field. Client’s emotions can be negative or positive result depending on if the  interviewer is maintained eye contact, body language and nonverbal communications. In the human service field, the interviewer must know how to gain control of client’s emotions by continuing to learn new skills and techniques. Finally, we live in the world where all cultures, genders or religious are different. People with different cultural backgrounds don’t just communicate differently; in many cases they also think differently (Floyd, 2012). We have to learn to give all cultures, religious and genders respect and continue to asking questions and avoid assumptions. Reference Cultural Competency and Diversity 2005., Beach, M.C., Price, E.G., Gary, T.L., Robinson, K.A., Gozu, A., Palacia, A., Smarth, C., Jenckes, M.W., Feuerstein, C., Bass, E.B., Powe. N, R, & Cooper, L, A. (2005). Cultural competence: A systematic review of health care provider educational interventions. Evans, D., Hearn, M., Uhlemann, M., Ivey, A. (2012). Essential Interviewing: A Programmed Approach to Effective Communication. (8th Edition). Floyd, K. (2012). Interpersonal Communication. (2nd Edition). McGraw-Hill Company â€Å"Listening Essentials,† 2010, Films on Demand. Copyright 2012 by Films Media Group. Adapted with permission.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Qa 380 Quiz 1

* T * PERFORMANCE measures that are established for a process are known as metrics. T * Once a process is identified, defined, evaluated, and redesigned, the benefits of the process analysis cycle are realized. F * A service blueprint is a flowchart of a service process that shows which of its steps has high customer contact. T * The general principle that 80% of a company’s revenue is generated by 20% of its customers is known as the pareto concept. * A fishbone diagram identifies which category is most frequently observed out of all the categories for which you have data. F . a voluntary system by which employees submit their ideas on process improvements is used in the: opportunity identification phase of process analysis 2. the step in process analysis that immediately follows the process documentation phase is the : evaluate performance phase 3. the resources that management assigns to improving or reengineering the process should: match the process’s scope 4. proc ess analysis focuses on: how work is actually done 5. an effective tool for showing steps of a service process with a high level of customer contact is: service blueprint 6. hich one of the following statements concerning flowcharts is NOT true. The dotted line of visibility separates activities subcontracted form those done in house 7. all of the following are steps in setting a time standard using the time study method EXCEPT: Consulting cost accounting data 8. the manager of a supermarket would like to know which of several quality problems to address first. A tool that would be most helpful would be a: perato chart 9. a restaurant manager tracks complaints from the diner satisfaction cards that are turned in at each table.The data collected from the past week’s diners appear 10. the first step of the systematic approach to process analysis is (opportunity) 11. process (scope) is the boundary of the process to be analyzed. 12. A voluntary system by which employee submit th eir ideas on process improvements is called a (suggestion system) 13. (Metrics) are performance measures that are established for a process and he steps within it. 14. A group of people, who are knowledgeable about the process, meets to propose ideas for change in a rapid-fire manner. Such a session is called (brainstorming)

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

An Introduction to the Breach of Contract

An Introduction to the Breach of Contract Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work produced by our Law Essay Writing Service . You can view samples of our professional work here . An Introduction to the Breach of Contract A breach of contract is also in a contract. Breach of Contract is the existence of agreement where there is a failure to keep the promises or agreement or failure to live up to his or her responsibilities of a contract. The whole contract or part of the contract may be breached. There are three important remedies available in a contract which is damages, specific performance and injunction. 2.1.1 Damages The remedy that is available in a contract which is damages is due to the losses or costs which incurred because of another party wrongful act. Damages are the payment in one form or a remedy which is provided by the common law to provide financial compensation or loss or debt where there has been a breach of contract. The main purpose there is damages in a breach of contract is because there is a need to protect the promisee s expectation interest and in the promisor s performance. There are also contractual damages in a breach of contract. It is a loss suffered when there is a breach of contract. Contractual damages are not mean to be a punishment for the party who has fails to perform the agreements which are in the contract. The defendant s ability to pay in ensuring the measure of damages does not consider by the court. When there are cases which make the party unable to perform the agreements made in a contract, the plaintiff who is the person who brings suit in the court which is opposed to the defendant would have expectation interest which is measured by difference – money damages. The difference between the contract price and the cost of construction by another builder would be the general measure of damages 2.1.2 Specific Performance Specific performance is a court order which requires the defendant to perform his act which is promised in the contract. It is a remedy commonly used in the form of a judicial process or order requiring the person or the persons to whom it is directed to do a particular a ct or to refrain from doing a particular act concerning information or real property. Specific performance is usually used to complete a previously established transaction and it is also the most effective remedy in protecting the expectation interest of the innocent party in the contract. The court will practice its act according to its own judgement not to decree specific performance where damages provide an adequate remedy. If the terms of the contract are uncertain, specific performance will be refused. The court also has the discretion to refuse specific performance where the granting of specific performance would cause undue hardship to the defendant. The court of equity developed the remedy of specific performance since damages often cannot adequately compensate someone for the inability to own a specific piece of real property, land being regarded as unique. The remedy which is specific performance is often guaranteed through the remedy of a right of possession which gives t he plaintiff the right to take possession of the property in dispute. The orders of specific performance are granted when damages are not a suitable remedy. The availability of specific performance remedy will depend on whether it is appropriate in the circumstances of the case. For example, when company A wants to build another restaurant in another location has made an agreement with the franchisor but was later been told that he will not grant the franchise because the franchisor would want to build and operate the restaurant at another location. Company A could take action towards the franchisor for breach of contract. This would eventually force the franchisor to keep up with the agreement to the terms of a contract

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Implications and advancements of dna (as a medical milestone) in the Essay

Implications and advancements of dna (as a medical milestone) in the future - Essay Example Some of the disorders include hemophilia, and sickle cell anemia among others. The detection enables the parents and medical staff to prepare for the upcoming treatments. Genetic counsellors also use the knowledge of DNA to advise couples on their risks of having disabled children (â€Å"†). Medical experts are also developing new technologies that can rapidly sequence large quantities of DNA. The initial sequencing method was called Sanger, but has now undergone automation for it to work faster than before. Other DNA technologies such as STR and RFLP have erupted and will continue to erupt as long studies in DNA do not stop. The next generation sequencing technologies can sequence human DNA in a short time and at low costs (â€Å"†). Over the last few years, the world has witnessed rapid progress in biotechnology and, in particular, the human genome project. The advancement has seen the emergence of complex datasets such as Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, microarray expression of cells, and genome sequencing of various species. All this has given rise to bioinformatics, a field with vast applications in the medical field (â€Å"†). What the future holds on DNA remains a mystery, and it is only time and science that can

Monday, October 7, 2019

Foundation of Human Resources Management - annotated bibliography Essay

Foundation of Human Resources Management - annotated bibliography - Essay Example Are they redesigning their HR functions?, etc. The author goes on to show that without effective  human capital, organizations are likely to have little or no revenue. The HR function can add value by adopting a control-and-audit role. But Lawler suggests that two other roles that HRM can take on allow it to add greater value. The first is the familiar  human resources management role. The second is the role of business partner, which emphasizes developing systems and practices to ensure that a companys  human resources have the needed competencies and motivation to perform effectively. Articulated in a clear and concise prose style, the book serves as a useful overview of HR functions. This journal article by Hargis and Bradley delves into strategic aspects of HRM in upstarts. They argue that when entrepreneurs and business executives develop a business plan, they identify that a great line of products or services helps a company achieve, and sustain, a competitive advantage. They go on to cite the successful businesses such as Coyote Logistics, W.L. Gore and Associates and to make their case. They further suggest that successful managers also recognize the importance of efficiently managing their employees and developing their  human resources. These firms clearly linked their  human resource management  practices to their competitive business model. When business leaders are able to align a strong competitive strategy with a well designed and strategically focused  human resource system, it has the necessary foundation that brings customers in the door (or to their website) initially and gets them to come back for repeat business. The article is well written and offers key insights into the strategic role of HRM in fledgling businesses. Role theory has been used effectively by researchers in the fields of psychology, social psychology, sociology, organization behaviour, and human resource management since the early

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Negative Message Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Negative Message - Assignment Example You can, for example, log off the machine and let it rest for a while to avoid such overheating. Further, identifying a complication in one of your computers does not meet terms of return policies for all computers purchased with us. If the computer with the complication met our return policy terms then we would act on the specific computer only. In addition, our return policy provides for replacement of computers that fail to work within six months of purchase but overheating does not amount to failure to work and refund is not part of our return policy. I therefore wish to note that the realized overheating, together with our return policy, does not justify your claim. We shall therefore not be able to accept the computers or offer refund. The company however affirms its efforts to ensure quality products and to take responsibility for products that fail to function. Thanks for understanding and we look forward to further business encounters with

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Advertisements and Female Gender Stereotypes Research Paper

Advertisements and Female Gender Stereotypes - Research Paper Example In order to gain the attention of consumers, it is important to recognize what attracts the targeted group the most. However, regardless of such an important position provided to both genders, there is an increasing debate over the stereotypes used to portray these genders. Some researchers criticize media for humiliating, shameful and disgracing portrayal of women. Others believe that women are used media as sexual objects and this simply is immoral and unfair. On the other hand, people believe that media stereotypes women as caring, tolerant, understanding and loving creatures. They are portrayed as loving mothers, caring sisters, loyal workers and graceful wives. This paper would further explain how media portrays women and how successful it is in portraying those female gender stereotypes. During 1950s, the advertisements portrayed women as housewives who were much inclined towards cleaning, cooking and taking care of other family members. By that time, a few women worked and wer e discriminated as compared to the male counterparts. However, continuous efforts and feminist movements changed the history and women were finally welcomed in the professional field. This change should have caused a positive impact on advertisement by portraying women as loving, caring, sensitive and honest ladies who are able to manage their career but the reality was different.

Friday, October 4, 2019

The Chicago Outfit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Chicago Outfit - Essay Example It has been alleged that the Chicago outfit, in its operations, have directly or indirectly been aided and abetted some legal structures of government. For instance, they were said to have been behind many electoral malpractices, particularly the 1960 elections into the office of president. The Chicago Outfit is also alleged of short-changing Hollywood by having power over the unions that direct the affairs of Hollywood. Perhaps the action which is most indicative of the political corruption that aided the rise of the syndicate is that which touches on the attempts allegedly made by the government of the United States to use them to scuttle the Cuban government led by Fidel Castro (Mallory, 2007). The government and her institutions seem to now know that they need to tighten things up a little bit. Thus, some years ago, precisely between 1999 and 2009, a number of crackdowns on members and associates of the Chicago Outfits took place. Many of them were prosecuted. Most of them were found guilty of atrocities like gambling, tax evasion, extortion, and above all, murder (Mallory, 2007). They were handed prison terms and some were even given life imprisonment. This crackdown has indicated the government’s readiness to find an end to the gang. Nonetheless, it doesn’t mean the Chicago Outfit still doesn’t have its way as organized crime by the Chicago Outfit is still a societal

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Victorian society and life style Essay Example for Free

Victorian society and life style Essay This essay uses A Conan Doyle interpretation of three cases in the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, to demonstrate how language, setting, characterisation and the role of the women reflects different aspects of Victorian society and life style.  A Conan Doyle uses typical language that is relevant for the Victorian period. In each of the cases, we expect to find a wide range of techniques used to emphasise and create an image of Victorian society and lifestyle in the readers mind. A Conan Doyle applies figurative language, repetition, grotesque and satirical caricatures and long complex sentences with detailed description. These techniques that A Conan Doyle uses helps the reader to understand the setting and characterisation more distinctly and clearly.  A Conan Doyle uses figurative language to make the reader create an image in their heads of the character or setting. Figurative language is a range of metaphors and similes that are being compared to a person or thing. Here is an example that A Conan Doyle has used in the speckled band (description of Dr. Roylott), high thin fleshless nose gave him some what resemblance to a fierce old bird of prey. In this quote the author is comparing Dr. Roylotts facial features to a fierce old bird of prey, this a metaphor used to help visualise the characters appearance. A Conan Doyle uses grotesque and satirical caricature in some cases. He uses this technique to describe the villain. In the description of Dr. Roylott in the speckled band, A Conan Doyle makes the readers imagine how nasty Dr. Roylott looks by putting in, bile shot eyes. This makes the villain more imaginative and easier for the readers to picture as unpleasant and mean.  A Conan Doyle uses long complex sentences to make a character or setting bold and clear, so the readers can easily relate and become more involved in the adventures. In long complex sentences A Conan Doyle uses Victorian words. These words are not often used today, so readers can really understand the distinct differences between today and back then the Victorians used very old English, however by using these words the reader is given a bolder, clearer and much more of a characteristic image. A Conan Doyle uses very long complex sentences to describe the king of bohemia in the scandal in bohemia, completed the impression of barbaric opulence which was suggested by his whole appearance. This gives the readers a clearer and detailed description of the event. In the quote it says he came with an uncultural but rich appearance focusing on detail. The sentence is considered complex as it uses more than one clause and unusual and uncommon words and metaphors where not familiar the words and terms i.e. opulence. In Victorian history women were be considered weaker than men. The readers can see this through some of A Conan Doyles cases. The man with the twisted lip women were really clumsy and weak. The readers can see this from the way Mrs. St Clair always kept fainting at the sight of blood, Mrs. St Clair had fainted at the sight of blood., however there were some woman that were really sly and cunning, like Irene Adler from scandal in bohemia, when she tricked Sherlock Holmes and eloped with her fianc, how best plans of Sherlock Holmes were beaten by a womans wit. In Victorian times women were really weaker than men. The second stain describes a clumsy woman, where a man blackmails a woman for a letter that could start war with another country. The weakness shows as she gives in to the man, in return for my secret not to be let out, he told me to get the blue envelope in the box. So I did A Conan Doyles thee adventure of Sherlock Holmes, gives readers an image of how Victorian London appeared. Readers are given the impression that Victorian London was a very dull, dirty and contaminated place. In most cases Victorian London was very nasty, dirty and a scary place, especially the way it is described in the man with the twisted lip. The setting in the man with the twisted lip is realistic, as at the same time jack the ripper was known, upper swandom lane is vile alley. This quote gives the reader an impression that Victorian London was very unclean and dirty. Steep flight of steps leading down to a black gap like the mouth of a cave. This quote gives the reader a frightening and dull suspense like of the setting and atmosphere. Dr. Watson is at the top of the flight of stairs and he is looking down them, when he looks down them he sees that the stairs lead to total darkness. The reader imagines a never-ending staircase or something gruesome waits at the bottom. In the adventures of Sherlock Holmes readers are able to understand Victorian lifestyle. This can be identified through the character Sherlock Holmes. In each case Sherlock Holmes is considered to be the hero as he is described as a, professional investigator. Dr Watson describes positive factors regarding Holmes, he admires, the rapid deductions, as swift as intuitions, and yet always founded on a logical basis, with which he unravelled the problems, which were submitted to him. This quote shows how Sherlock Holmes was dedicated to his work. Another example of the values of the period is seen through the character Dr.Watson. In the story the man with the twisted lip we see Dr.Watson helping a woman in distress, because her husband is missing, so he investigates by himself, I could manage it better if I were alone. This was considered very heroic at the time. As he is protecting the innocent woman. The character of Dr Roylott from the speckled band shows the readers the values, which were despised of at the time. In the speckled band Dr Roylott is described as a furious and violent person, Holmes the Scotland yard jack-in-office and, we heard the hoarse roar of the doctors voice, and saw the fury with which he shook his clenched fists at him. From these quotes the readers can tell that Victorian people despised this sort of attitude, because he turns violent and furious easily. By reading Sherlock Holmes the readers find many lifestyles, it just depends on which character is described. If it is a poor person then there lifestyle is at the opium den where it is a, low room, with thick and heavy brown opium smoke, and back in the Victorian times there were a lot of poor people, so the opium dens wouldve been packed, forecastle of an emigrant ship. If it is a heroic person like Sherlock Holmes or Dr Watson than their lifestyle is rich and cosy lifestyle for example a house with a maid, big cosy armchair, in front of a big chimney fire in a, cheery sitting room, with a nice friendly atmosphere. But if it is a villainous and hated person like Dr Roylott then their lifestyle will be dark, very gloomy and unpleasant, for example an old wrecked house that nobody has cared for, the few acres of bramble covered land.